The Funniest Harlem Shake in house


5 Apr 2008

One Piece Ocean's Dream


One night, while all the Straw Hat Pirates are all snug in their beds, save for Robin the group's archaeologist, they all dream of a cloaked young man underwater playing beautiful music from a sea horn. In the morning, Robin wakes up all her crew mates and is shocked to discover they have no memories of her or their being in a Pirate Crew. With only the memories from before joining the crew still in their heads the crew begins to splinter, Nami runs away from the ship with all the gold as she has reverted back to being her pirate-hating thief self, and Zoro causes a fight with the crew and also retreats believing that he is once again a bounty hunter.

It is up to Robin to not only reunite the crew and help them get their memories back, but also find out the cause of their mysterious memory loss.


* Monkey D. Luffy
* Roronoa Zoro
* Nami
* Ussop
* Nico Robin
* Sanji
* Tony Tony Chopper

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