The Funniest Harlem Shake in house


5 Apr 2008

One Piece Grand Battle 1


A young boy name Monkey D Luffy starts his adventure to become the king of the pirate by going to the Grand Line. Along the way he fight strong pirates and gather a strong crew. The series will be based on the East Blue Sage and Whiskey Peak Arc.

Game Play

Like the other grand battle game the character versus another character, the character that you choose each have different attacks and battle strategies and power to make the battle balance and fun. the winner of the battle will versus another character in the game. At the end, your character will verse a default boss which are set to complete the storyline.

Playable Characters

The playable characters in this game are these following:

* Monkey D. Luffy
* Roronoa Zoro
* Nami
* Usopp
* Sanji
* Red-Haired Shanks
* "Hawk Eye"
* Captain Smoker
* Ms Wednesday
* Buggy
* Alvida
* Arlong
* Don Krieg
* Pandaman
* Captain Kuro
* Karoo

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