The Funniest Harlem Shake in house


11 Des 2007

About Me

My name is Dika Trisna Sanubari. I was born in Samarinda, 10 March 1995. Now, I'm 15 years old. I live in Gelatik 1 street, blok A/8, Samarinda Kaltim, Indonesia. I study at SMA Negeri 1 Samarinda. My favorite food is fried rice, and my favorite drink is orange juice. My hobby is playing badminton, and blogging. I like black, because it's cool, x-treme, and gentle. If you want know more about me you can search me on facebook : Dika Trisna Sanubari , or add my yahoo messenger : dika_punker_sbi , or just follow me on twitter @dikakakaa .

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