The Funniest Harlem Shake in house


5 Apr 2008

One Piece Gear Spirit

One Piece: Gear Spirit is a fighting game for the Nintendo DS based on the manga/anime One Piece.

The game does not have a basic storyline. In this respect it is similar to Nintendo's videogame series, Super Smash Brothers. In the story mode you fight random characters at different stages, and each character has two event stages where they battle a rival or another character that is related to their story in the anime. For instance in Blackbeard's story, one of the characters he encounters in his event stage is Portgas D. Ace.

Playable Characters

* Monkey D. Luffy
* Roronoa Zoro
* Nami
* Usopp
* Sanji
* Tony Tony Chopper
* Nico Robin
* Franky
* Red-Haired Shanks
* Dracule "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk
* Aokiji
* Rob Lucci
* Kaku
* Smoker
* Nefertari Vivi
* Sir Crocodile
* Enel
* Brook
* Portgas D. Ace
* Blackbeard


* Logue Town
* Alabasta Ruins
* Rocketman Train
* On the Enies Lobby Tower
* Inside Enies Lobby Tower
* Skypiea
* On the Thousand Sunny
* Banaro Island

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