The Funniest Harlem Shake in house


10 Apr 2008

Ed, Edd n Eddy Jawbreakers!

The object of the game is to help these resourceful preadolescents win a contest whose grand prize is a lifetime supply of jawbreakers. Throughout the game, Ed, Edd and Eddy will tap into their unique brand of resourcefulness as they earn money, solve physical puzzles, interact with their pals from the cul-de-sac and find hidden goodies. The players will control one Ed at a time, each with his own unique strength and weakness, and may dynamically cycle through the three main characters. Players will explore 12 levels, each offering a short animated cut-scene at the beginning and end. The Eds are the playable characters, each with their own skills and abilities. Ed can headbutt things, Edd (Double-D) can use a slingshot, a wrench and use switches that do different things. Eddy can use the hypnotizing wheel or the jetpack.

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